
Dental Implant Restorations

Patients who are missing teeth have a strong, beautiful alternative to bridges, partials, or full dentures. Dental implants can improve your smile and your lifestyle. They look, feel, and function like natural teeth because of a titanium anchor attached to the jawbone. Implants can also anchor bridges, partials, or full dentures to eliminate slipping. Dr. Christensen works closely with reputable, talented oral surgeons and periodontists for a multidisciplinary approach to implant placement.
After a thorough evaluation, Dr. Christensen will be able to let you know if dental implants are a good, long-term option for you. Good bone density and oral health are prerequisites. The first stage of the procedure involves oral surgery in which a titanium post is implanted into the jawbone for each missing tooth or for the new teeth that will anchor a bridge or denture. Nature will take its course, allowing your bone tissue to fuse with the titanium post. This creates a solid foundation.
Once the implants are secured, you’ll return to our Santa Fe office for the restoration. Our lab will fabricate a handcrafted, permanent crown or denture according to the dentist’s design. We will secure the restoration in our office. Your new teeth will match the color and size of your natural teeth, so they’ll blend seamlessly with your smile.
By imitating an entire natural tooth, from the root up, dental implants offer a prosthetic that closely mimics nature. The result? Dental implant patients enjoy restored function, which allows a healthy diet of hard-to-chew foods. Speech may also improve. Strong and secure, your new smile will boost your confidence, enhance your appearance, and improve your quality of life.

Your Oral Health Is Our Number One Priority!

We will work together to address your oral health, comfort, function, and your aesthetic concerns. Call Smile Santa Fe Dentistry today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Christensen and team. Our office is conveniently located in Santa Fe, NM.